
iPhone tour of Echo Park

Hello fans of Pico. K and N graciously invited me to contribute to their lovely blog, so here I am, trying to come up with something clever and witty to say...

I'm not doing so well. I prefer not to be awake this early, so my brain isn't quite functioning properly. I do much better between the hours of 10pm and 2am. Not to mention, I was at the WeHo Halloween carnival last night until about 1:30, so the exhaustion is acute. Quadruple-shot espresso acute.

Having attended the largest Halloween celebration in the world last night, I thought my first Pico blog post would be about all the fabulous costumes I encountered on Santa Monica Boulevard. Sadly, the photos demonstrating said costumes are locked away on my camera still, so instead I offer up an iPhone tour of Echo Park.

This is an iPhone tour of the park because I wasn't intending on taking a bunch of pictures. I was just walking around the lake for exercise, but the day was so beautiful that I just couldn't let it go unrecorded. The only camera at my disposal was the little one on the back of my new love, my soulmate, my iPhone.

So here are some sights from my corner of Los Angeles:

Our Lady of the Lake

That's the Lady of the Lake. It's a WPA-commissioned piece of art by Ada Mae Sharpless, 1934.

Echo Park Palms

I know they're not native to Southern California, but I'll be damned if looking at a row of palm trees doesn't make your brain scream "I'm in Los Angeles!"

Downtown and lake

Downtown behind Echo Park. During the summer, the foreground of this picture would be filled with lotus flowers.

More Echo Park

More of the lake. I just think it's pretty, okay? And finally:

Hiya, Goosies!

Birdies. They were sleepy and enjoying the sun. And thus concludes my impromptu tour of Echo Park.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You must be up pretty early because I don't see any criminals, illegal aliens or junkys in any of those shots. Or did you just photo shop them out?